The kid who was silenced into a corner, wearing a cone of shame also knew all the answers without hesitation. If you’ve been having trouble making decisions and finding your path , then maybe it’s time for you to reconnect with your inner child.
Read MoreThe biggest point Burkeman makes, is that we as humans have the amazing capability to imagine an infinite number of activities, adventures and experiences and yet, we have a finite amount of time. How will you spend your weeks?
Read MoreWhen I need guidance and clarity in the now, I close my eyes, take several deep inhales and exhales, feel the warmth in my chest rise and visualize the place where my elder-self lives. She is my wisest counsel, and available always.
Read MoreIn Part Two I offer Mindset Books that will require a leap of faith into the beyond and end firmly in habit formation.
Read MoreWant to know what books I would recommend when it comes to understanding mindset? In Part One, I suggest some great first starts for those new to the concepts of mindset, and then for the love of science. Books that have scientific research and findings at their core.
Read MoreHow would it feel if you did believe you had the power to change? How would it feel to look back and see the warrior within who survived instead of a tormented soul that is still experiencing what is over? How would it feel to silence the victim within?
Read MoreSeeing the metaphorical tiger behind every tree has you wasting energy on shadows while firing up your nervous system for tigers that aren’t even there. If your future planning is motivated by fear and anxiety that’s when you’ll need to step back and take a few breaths.
Read MoreWhen you are faced with such circumstances, when things do not go your way, when you’re left wondering why is this happening to you, the question to ask yourself is “What is the gift in this?”. Yes, the gift, and there are three gifts to choose from!!!
Read MoreWhere does this need to keep going come from? What does it mean to just sit still and be? What would it mean if you focused on one goal or one task at a time and saw it through to completion before taking on something new? What is it about being bored that makes you so uncomfortable?
Read MoreFrom the moment you take your first breath, you’re rewarded for your accomplishments. Taking your first step, another huge celebration. Going to the bathroom on a potty instead of in your diaper, this one may elicit tears of joy from those you love most. By the time kindergarten comes along you are well versed in achievements and rewards.
Read MoreIt’s almost a knee-jerk reaction. You hear yourself saying “yes, sure that’s fine, okay and let’s do that”, even though deep inside you’re saying “no, not fine, not okay and let’s not do that”. Your present company suggested an activity they want to do, and although you hate doing those things somehow or other you’ve found yourself saying yes.
Read MoreIt all comes down to ones and zeros, right? Let’s see the data. Let’s push aside all the emotions surrounding the circumstances at hand. Emotions just get in the way of logic, and logic is clear and clean. The logical answer is the right answer. Knowledge and facts rule. This is not always the case, and when we become too rational, there are serious consequences.
Read MoreStriving for perfection, means postponing your life for fear of failing somehow. It truly is a fancy way of saying you’re scared, that you’re afraid. There is however something magical that happens once you remove the mink coat and fancy shoes that perfectionism dons. It allows you to deal with what truly is under it all.
Fear in all its nakedness
Read MoreYou may tell yourself it will get done eventually, so what’s the harm? There seriously may be more pressing matters that need your attention, and there’s nothing wrong with what you’re doing…it’s called PRIORITIZING. You don’t want to feel the pain so you just push it off. There’s no pain felt when procrastinating, right? LIES, ALL LIES!!!!!!
Read More. The problem is when these lofty expectations are not met. When what you want to happen doesn’t happen, that is when this Judge takes personal offense. She has you focusing on the expectation, what is lacking and what is not, and that is the key. Focusing on WHAT IS NOT, leaves you feeling powerless, because you can’t do anything about something that isn’t.
Read MoreWelcome Judge Carla (again name optional). Judge Carla, will cast judgement on others in just one glance and weave tall tales about them filling in blank, after blank, after blank. She is there to alert you to potential danger and always has your back. When you feel threatened by another Carla is quick to let you know who people “really are”:
Read MoreOf the three judges that hang out at the bar called Your Brain, she is the one laser focused on you. The song “I only have eyes for you”, is about her eyes and they only see your weaknesses, mistakes, insecurities and uncertainties
Read MoreHaving a positive mindset alone will not be enough for you to reach peak performance. You also need to put in the work, and lift the mental weights so to speak.
Read MoreWITHOUT a strong Self-Command, you will not be able to effectively rewire your brain from pain and dysfunction to ease and effectiveness. Your Peak Performance is directly correlated to the strength of your Self-Command.
Read MorePain though is not always felt just in the body, is it? There’s a pain that can not be addressed in a standard gym, because this pain has nothing to do with your physical fitness but with your Mental Fitness
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