Best Mindset Books Part Two

Dear Readers,

                In Part One you found mindset books that are great first starts and for the love of science. In part two we go into the beyond and end firmly in habit formation.

Again, this is not a comprehensive list!!!!


Leaps into the Beyond:

These books will require you to be less analytical, and instead more open-minded and willing to surrender to the spiritual.  To get the best out of these books, you need to allow yourself to believe in magic.


Inside the Yoga Sutra’s by Patnanjali

Author Reverend Jaganath Carrera

Suffering is not caused by forces outside of us but by a faulty and limited perception of life and of who we are. Our basic misperception gives rise to endless cravings for sense satisfaction. Since everything in the universe is constantly changing, nothing in Nature is capable of bringing lasting fulfillment.”

This was the book that started to change my life back in 2013.  It was required reading for my Yoga Training, and I still remember reading it on my lunch break, feeling my brain tingling as I was intaking concepts that seemed so foreign and yet so true at the same time.  It was like these truths were within me all along, covered by a layer of lies and once I was re-introduced to them, the lies shattered and the truth emerged


Ask and It Is Given

Author Esther Hicks

“That is the optimal creative vantage point: To stand on the brink of what is coming, feeling eager, optimistic anticipation—with no feeling of impatience, doubt, or unworthiness hindering the receiving of it—that is the Science of Deliberate Creation at its best”

The biggest hurdle for one to accept when reading this book is that according to Esther and Jerry Hicks the concepts are from a spiritual guide named Abraham.  If you can accept this or at least consider there are things beyond your current level of understanding until they no longer are (think bacteria, planets, procreation, black holes), then this book has 22 approaches to help you manage your emotional energy and shift from low to high.  I’ve applied many of these concepts myself and I can say first-hand they do help out and work…if you believe in magic.


Seth Speaks

Author Jane Roberts

“There is no need to justify your existence. You do not need to write or preach to justify yourselves, for instance. Being is its own justification.”

Esther and Jerry Hicks were changed by the content in this book, and had hoped to meet Jane, but she died before that could happen.  It was the information in this book coupled with rigorous meditation that enabled Esther to connect with Abraham.  Again, this book requires a huge leap of faith, and acceptance that you do not know everything and by not focusing on the source (energetic being communicating through Jane) of what is being shared, the knowledge and concepts are profound.  Given that this was published in 1972, some of the concepts and ideas that Seth Speaks of have since been proven to be true decades later, when science was finally advanced enough to do so.

The Power of Intention

Author Wayne Dyer

“When you’re connected to the power of intention, everywhere you go, and everyone you meet, is affected by you and the energy you radiate. As you become the power of intention, you’ll see your dreams being fulfilled almost magically, and you’ll see yourself creating huge ripples in the energy fields of others by your presence and nothing more”

Intention, the energy behind the actions and decisions you make. There is so much power to be found and adjusted when you are connected to the energy of intention.  Are you approaching life with a deep knowing that what you want will come to fruition or are you going after what you want as if it won’t really happen?  How much time are you spending in the energy of intention? Are you willing to work on aligning your energy with the energy of that which you desire? Your energetic belief in it happening is more important than the actions you take.


The Active Side of Infinity

Author Carlos Castaneda

“The only commentary I can make is that warrior-travelers roll with the punches. They go wherever the impulse may take them. The power of warrior-travelers is to be alert, to get maximum effect from minimal impulse. And above all, their power lies in not interfering. Events have a force, a gravity of their own, and travelers are just travelers. Everything around them is for their eyes alone. In this fashion, travelers construct the meaning of every situation, without ever asking how it happened this way or that way.”

If you read The Power of Intention, you will be introduced to The Active Side of Infinity since it’s quoted and pretty much the inspiration for Dyer’s book.  We are talking about sorcerers here, not the pointy hatted, wand wielding sorcerers but rather the veil lifting, meditating shamanistic sorcerers.  Those that are connected to the beyond, those that have the know how to wield energetic fields, fields we have access to but are unable to sustain.  Note: there are concepts here that may be hard to digest and even disturbing.




I love me some Habit Time, and these books deliver!  

The Power of Habit

Author: Charles Duhigg

“This process within our brains is a three-step loop. First, there is a cue, a trigger that tells your brain to go into automatic mode and which habit to use. Then there is the routine, which can be physical or mental or emotional. Finally, there is a reward, which helps your brain figure out if this particular loop is worth remembering for the future: THE HABIT LOOP”

This is basically a text book on habits and how they’re created.  This a book that any coach, trainer, nutritionist, therapist or counselor would benefit from reading.  It is thick, it is like a scientific textbook with case studies, data and applications.

Atomic Habits

Author James Clear

Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity”

James Clear takes many of the concepts from the Power of Habit and expands on them.  He also gives you more guidance and tools on how to replace old habits and cultivate new ones.  This is a lighter read and more enjoyable than its predecessor, yet still chock full of knowledge and action steps to take. 


Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Author Stephen Covey

Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.”

This isn’t about the habits of eating healthy, exercising or meditating, no this is a book about habits to approach your life.  How you interact with others, how you view challenges and how you set and accomplish your goals.  Habits aren’t just actions but thoughts.  By changing your habitual thought patterns, you can find greater ease, more connection and clarity of purpose.


The Greatest Salesman in the World

Author Og Mandino

I will persist until I succeed. I was not delivered into this world into defeat, nor does failure course in my veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd. I am a lion and I refuse to talk, to walk, to sleep with the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny. I will persist until I succeed.”

The Greatest Salesman in the World is my number one suggested Mindset Book. Like The Four Agreements, there are simple concepts (ten scrolls) that if applied will change your life. It is short but there’s a catch. Reading it as prescribed (explained in Scroll One) will take you ten months, solidifying a habit of daily reading. These simple scrolls are written with a poetic cadence that allows the reader to flow effortlessly while still absorbing weighty ideas. The systematic approach ensures that the concepts don’t just get read but etched into your brain.

So my dear readers, which ones are you willing to explore and which are too far out there?

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