Light Up the Whole Damn Sky
Chronicles of A Bootstrap Solopreneur
In this series, I share the knowledge, insight and concepts I’ve learned to be beneficial during my time spent thus far as a solopreneur. Many of these methods, mindsets and tactics can be applied to areas beyond the business arena. Starting your own business is basically an exercise in continuous personal growth through: failure, triumph, creation, organization, chaos, perseverance, effort, dedication, vulnerability, self-evaluation and hope…like on the daily. All of these concepts have been Liz tested and approved to be effective in keeping you on course, focusing on what’s important, and succeeding in your venture however you may define success.
Light Up the Whole Damn Sky
“If you're doing something new you've got to have a vision. You've got to have a perspective. You've got to have some north star you're aiming for, and you just believe somehow you'll get there, which kind of gets to the passion point.” – Steve Case
Ah yes, once again as stated in so many other blogs…if you want to achieve something you need to spend time envisioning exactly what you want to achieve…ALL THE DETAILS. A solid vision for an entrepreneur is even more critical, for an entrepreneur you need to have a NORTH STAR that shines so radiantly it lights up the whole damn sky. This vision cannot be blurry, it cannot be hidden behind clouds, not a star among many stars, it must be so bright and crystal clear that all else is dimmed out by it. There will be dark nights, weeks or even months and it is during those times when your North Star will be the only thing you have to grasp onto with all your hope and faith.
Do not go into your entrepreneurship without that clear vision, start by asking the big questions, as if you’re already there. For me questions like: “how many speaking engagements do I want to commit to a year”, “how will my company be part of the elusive ‘greater’”, “will I always be coaching one on one”, and “do I want Strength & Grace to expand into a national coaching brand”? For you they may be different like: “do you want to own rental properties in various states”, “would you want to franchise”, or “what about going public”? These are the questions that will start crystalizing that image, making your north star all the brighter. That clear vision will not only be a beacon of hope but will also determine what current tasks and ventures you take on and which ones you let pass.
*NOTE: Do not make this about money, see the life you want to live, see the company you want to build and see how it can service and help others, make sure that vision is also clear in regards to the lifestyle you see yourself living.
There are two methods I use with my client’s when creating their North Star. If you’re truly interested in doing what is necessary for your business to succeed CLICK HERE to set up your FREE Laser Coaching Session today.
Copyright 2020 Strength & Grace Life Coaching LLC