“You have to see every potential roadblock as an opportunity and a benefit” – Suze Orman
Roadblocks….are almost always seen as a negative, something that is preventing you from your desired path, and forcing you to take a detour that is no doubt longer and unexpected. Regardless of your feelings most roadblocks are either out of your control and not personal or they are put there by you perhaps without your conscious awareness. Knowing this, let’s take the definitions of a roadblock and change your view, change your response and see if you can actually use them to your advantage.
1a: a barricade often with traps or mines for holding up an enemy at a point on a road covered by fire
b: a road barricade set up especially by law enforcement officers
2: an obstruction in a road
3: something that blocks progress or prevents accomplishment of an objective
Keep the Enemy in the Check
A barricade often with traps or mines for holding up an enemy at a point on a road covered with fire. This is one set up by you, for you to keep you at a safe distance from your enemies. Enemies are not just people, they are also temptations, situations, thoughts and choices. Think about those things are that are making it hard for you to move forward in one way or another. It may be cookies in the pantry, negative self-talk, even your route home could be hard if that’s where temptation lies and it is well within your right and ability to recognize your enemy and plan accordingly. This is a roadblock you want, this is one that will make it easier for you to breathe, so hide the cookies in the pantry, turn the volume down on your thoughts and find a new way home.
Obstructions Outside your Control
A road barricade set up especially by law enforcement officers or an obstruction in the road. It is just there, you had absolutely no say in the matter, and now you’ve come upon it – do not take this one personally. This roadblock is out of your control, and if you want to get where you want to go a detour will be required. This is a test of your will, are you willing to take a longer path, are you willing to climb and exert effort in the pursuit of your destination? The faster you get over the fact that a barricade is in your path the faster you’ll be able to actually get over that barricade. Stop focusing on what’s blocked and start bushwhacking a new path.
Get Out of Your Own Damn Way!
Something that blocks progress or prevents accomplishments of objectives. This one is a biggie, this one is all about you blocking YOU. Please know that in the end the only person that can accomplish your goals is you, and this also means that you are the only one the can stop your pursuit of them. The only way to really fail is to stop trying, fail seven times get up eight. It’s your choice to allow external circumstances prevent you from seeing a work around, it’s your perception of what is possible that allows to either see only one path or multiple. If you require that the planets to be in alignment in order for you to work towards what you desire, don’t blame the universe, because it’s on you. Stop looking at what you don’t have or what you’re missing and start looking at what you do have. Work with what you’ve got, and keep working until you find yourself having what you needed. The steps all need to be taken by you, and you have that ability even if you have no shoes….you can still step forward. Stop setting criteria to be met and just start walking…one step at a time.
Like most things in life, roadblocks are all about how you see them and thus how you respond to them. Use them to your advantage, take them as they come or let them send you into a tailspin. If it’s in your path you either put it there or there’s something better waiting for you - detours are usually much more scenic and enjoyable anyway.
Copyright 2020 Strength & Grace Life Coaching LLC