To Decide or Not to Decide

OWN Your FDA Part Two

D stands for DECISIONS

“A sign of wisdom and maturity is when you come to terms with the realization that your decisions cause your rewards and consequences. You are responsible for your life, and your ultimate success depends on the choices you make.” – Denis Waitley

How many times have you thought…what other choice was there?  Situations where you made a decision thinking that you’re not really the one making the decision…that some external force is pushing you in one direction or another. What if from this point on you took responsibility for all of your decisions, how does that idea make you feel?  Would you rather own your decisions or have you grown comfortable with the notion that you have no control? Does the false sense of not bearing the burden make it easier for you in some way?

Yes, you may not like the options: yes, there may be peer pressure, yes you may have unwanted expectations placed on you - REGARDLESS the final decision is still yours.  In fact, I would wager you’re making decisions all day long, that you’ve deemed too inconsequential for your attention.  Your brain (all brains really) is built for efficiency, the more automatic the better.  What would happen if you paused a little more, took the time to be present throughout your day and started really acknowledging and owning the choices you are making?

 You always have a choice and in the words of Rush (best band to come out of Canada) “If you choose not to decide you have still made a choice” – you are in control of your decisions, the ones made consciously, unconsciously as well as your indecisions – OWN THEM.

Copyright 2020 Strength & Grace Life Coaching LLC

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