The Power of Make-Believe

To Neverland We Go

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
― Albert Einstein

When was the last time you played make-believe?  Yes, seriously, when was the last time you allowed yourself to explore that magical landscape where you can be anyone, go anywhere and do whatever you wish without the constraints of reality holding you back?  Do you think that make-believe is something one grows out of, a sign of being an adult is no longer participating in such nonsense?  There is power in having a childlike wonder, in allowing your imagination to take hold, in allowing yourself to see, hear, feel and experience what is not yet real, what is still just make-believe.

The Science

I’ve written and talked about cognitive dissonance before, which is the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.  What this means is, if you can’t see it, if you’re not allowing yourself to spend the time visualizing the process, seeing in the mind’s eye who you’re working on becoming, then it’s you in this reality who will suffer.  It’s been shown (CLICK HERE) that how you visualize, how you use your imagination (yes you still have one, your brain may have pruned some of the neural pathways but you can regrow them with intentional focused effort[1]) matters when it comes to the successful implementation of your dreams.

“Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and the strength, use it to create.”
― Maria Montessori

The Process

Start by closing your eyes, seeing yourself as you want to be. What are the actions you’re taking, what are the choices you’re making, how are you going about your daily life in this make-believe realm…get all the senses involved (again the brain cannot tell the difference between what you visualize and reality it sends the signals to the body as if it were real)?  Then start thinking about the journey you would have taken to get there.  Be hopeful and honest with yourself, meaning know who you are now acknowledge what will be challenging, and then believe in yourself. See yourself making the decisions and choices that will have you embracing and overcoming those challenges. What will you feel and think before, during and after each ‘test’?

Spend time in make-believe, spend time in the realm of possibility, knowing that in order for your dreams to come true all you must do is take action in this reality.  Time spent in neverland will give you: insight, confidence and motivation which then you will use to create your life in this world.


“It's delightful when your imaginations come true, isn't it?”
― L.M. Montgomery

[1] Rock D., Page L. Coaching With the Brain in Mind; John Wiley & Sons Inc 2009

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