Why You're Not Reaching that New Level

New life in place of old life
Unscarred by trials

A new level
Of confidence
And power


How long have you been focusing on: getting that promotion, increasing your yearly income, turning that side hustle into your full-time job or maybe actually solidifying those healthy habits?  You say you’ve tried everything and yet, nothing seems to work or last. If I asked you “have you tried absolutely everything, I mean EVERYTHING”, chances are you’d probably give me a sideways glance and say, well…not everything” and there it is.

The one thing that you’re refusing to do is probably the one thing that would actually make the difference. If you’re wondering how I know what your struggle is like, it’s because I’ve been there. I’ve been in that position, wanting to change, willing to try anything…but like that Meatloaf song from the 90’s “I’ll do anything, but I won’t do that”.  There’s been so many instances where I just refused to take one particular action: tracking my food, planning my week, making my workouts non-negotiable or investing in a mentor.

As soon as I was firm on my workouts, they happened daily, planning out my weeks increased my effectiveness and helped me better manage my ADD, tracking my food brought about greater nutrition and permanent weight reduction and investing in a mentor grew my business threefold. Yet I was so resistant to making these changes, it was as if I knew they were the game changers, that they were the lynchpin to a better me, a better future and yet for some of them it took years for me to actually pull the trigger for real, so what makes it so hard?

What does a game changer mean for you, it means a new level and that means that you can no longer be who you are now, you’re going to need to transform, and that’s what you’re afraid of.  You’re afraid that you’ll not actually hold up your end of the bargain, that if you give it all you’ve got, and go through the pain of transforming that you won’t actually reach that new level. This fear means: you don’t even try, you come up with a lame excuse, you put parameters on it, you cut it short…you basically don’t put the required energetic investment into the process.  You’re scared of failing, you’re scared that what is within you won’t be enough, that you’re not actually worth it, and that leaves you staying exactly where you are now.

A game changer requires trust, you will need to surrender, surrender to the process and trust in yourself and your own fortitude.  The results won’t be seen immediately, and you won’t be able to know for sure when all of your efforts, and the effects of this new addition will come to fruition, so it requires faith.  You need to be willing to go all in, no toe-dipping but rather a jump into the deep end, and know that the only way you’ll sink is if you stop swimming.  With faith, you’ll be open to: new paths, new ideas, falling and getting back up and of course learning.  You will need to be vulnerable by risking something may it be time, finances or priorities. However you look at it, it is an exchange of energy, you exchange energy in the now for a future determined by you. When you’re committed like that, when you’re willing to go all in, and believe that with this new tool, process or commitment that you will find a way to move forward - that’s when you level up. 

Are you ready to LEVEL UP? CLICK HERE to set up your Discovery call today!

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