Screw Motivation

I’ll tell you What You Really Need.

“Some people say that motivation doesn’t last, while neither does bathing.  That’s why we recommend you do it daily” – Zig Ziglar

Most think motivation is the key to success, that successful people must just be more motivated, fortunately (or unfortunately however you want to look at it) it’s not about motivation.  Like the man, the myth the legend Zig Ziglar stated above (I mean with a name like Zig Ziglar you’ve got to be a legend) motivation does not last, it is temporary.  I know, I know, you’re thinking “Well LIZ…. what is it, if not motivation”?  I’ll tell you but you must promise no eye rolling….


Sigh…. that’s so boring, but it’s so TRUE, and often the truth can be boring. Dedication can be cultivated; it can be nurtured and if you truly understand and accept that dedication is the characteristic that will bring you towards your dreams and goals then you’ll be willing to find ways to increase your own dedication…and I’ve got FIVE to help you out!

1.)    Be 100% Committed to your Goal and the Actions Required

Listen, before embarking on the path to your goal you NEED to have a reality check with yourself and your commitment. Visualize and articulate exactly what your goal is and the steps required to get you there (as always, I suggest writing this all down), DO NOT skip this part it is crucial.  Many people want to run a marathon (I did once) but if they’d really think about the effort, time, energy, pain and disruption to their schedule that training for a marathon takes…would they still really want it as a goal?  This is step one to being dedicated, you’ve got to really acknowledge and own what you’re in for and be 100% committed. Now when I say 100%, I mean 100% full on you’ve DECIDED that this is something you’re DEDICATED and DEVOTED to accomplishing.  98% committed will not be enough, because with 98%...there’s that small nagging 2% that will trip you up every time.


Write down what you’re trying to achieve, make it VISUAL and in your face every day, never forget the reason you’re doing what you’re doing.  More importantly though are the actions, steps and daily responsibilities that cannot be glossed over, ignored or forgotten. These must be written down and checked off (Passion Planner), ignoring the steps on your path to success means you’re not going to succeed.


Here we go, and this is something you must get your head around; when it comes to dedication and dedicated people, the reward is not in the end goal but in the devotion to completing each small action.  Each one is a promise, a commitment and it’s more about upholding that promise than anything else. Things will not always go as plan, you won’t always want to keep every promise, but there will be a willingness to make it happen. To a dedicated person, showing up when they don’t want to or when it’s hard to, is often more rewarding then when it’s easy.


I will drill into people’s heads over and over again until they fully understand and grasp it, TIME IS A KEY INGREDIENT (click here for a whole blog on it), and there really is no speeding it up (unless you have a flux compacitor).  However long you think it will take you to reach your goal, times that 10 or 20, because I guarantee it will take longer than you think.  Something will always come up, there will be detours, back tracks, rest stops and re-routes. Focus on each step and not the time that it takes.


What all of this really comes down to is keeping your word to yourself, these are your goals, your dreams and you’re the one that gets to do the work.  What this means is: you need to be important enough, love yourself enough and believe in yourself enough to show up and do what you set forth to do.  Now sharing some of it with other’s isn’t a bad thing, but part of the process has to be for you alone. Not following through on what you promised yourself you’d do has got to be a consequence you’re not willing to risk.  If you break your word to yourself all the time, then keeping it to someone else probably won’t work either.

Fuel Your Will is now available in video format. The topic is the same, the content and the delivery are slightly different. Click on the link below! Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the YouTube Channel.

Copyright 2020 Strength & Grace Life Coaching LLC