the art of manifesting - part 2


This is my vision board for this year.  So far two of my goals are already manifesting.......

This is my vision board for this year.  So far two of my goals are already manifesting.......

When your every thought and your every action is directed to your ultimate life goals, you become unstoppable and assured of great success and happiness
— Robin S. Sharma

Below you will find my thoughts and process when creating your own vision board.  Remember these are just my thoughts…..this is your board.  

o    BE FULLY PRESENT - Listen, this will be an embodiment of your dreams and aspirations, turn off the phone, turn off the TV, allow yourself to be fully immersed in the process.

Goals are like magnets.  They’ll attract the things that make them come true
- Tony Robbins

o    Be Specific - You’re asking the universe to pay attention to your desires; with this you must be specific.  If you’re wishy-washy with what you want the universe will give you wishy-washy results.

o    Don’t Limit Yourself - Never think that things are out of your reach, you are only limiting yourself, if you can think it then you can create it!

o    Rip & Tear - Rip things out without judgment; meaning if you see something that sparks something inside of you, a saying, a picture whatever; rip it out put it the review pile, you are having a reaction to it for a reason, listen to your gut.

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

o    Categorize - Once all things have been ripped out go through and sort, put them into similar piles (house, job, free time, hobbies, travel, feelings) then go through those piles and figure/feel out which you feel the greatest connection to.

o    Keep it Simple - Make sure that the number of visions/goals are not too overwhelming, you also have to believe in them.

o    Think About Spacing - Open space tends to make us feel incomplete you do not want that feeling when making and looking at your board; cut the background to fit what you’re putting on it not the other way around.

o    Make it Attractive - Ideally it should be visually stimulating and striking to the eye, make it so that you want to look it.  It should be motivating, you want to feel inspired when you look at your vision board, if it is going to make you feel down about where you are now then don’t put it on there.

o    Placement - Put your vision board where you can see it EVERYDAY, don’t hide your dreams be proud of them!!!


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