Gratitude – An Awesome Vibration
Excited to Open my First Awesome Jar
Law of Vibration - Everything in the Universe moves, vibrates and travels in circular patterns, the same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires and wills in the Etheric world. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself.
Just over two years ago, I saw a post on Instagram about an Awesome Jar. The idea that for one year you write down anything that makes you think, “wow that’s awesome”, then on new years’ eve you open the jar and remember all the awesomeness. We tend to forget about all the great things and focus on the negative, thus the awesome jar is a great way to appreciate the present moment and then change your view on the past to a more positive one.
"Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance." Eckhart Tolle
I did it for the year of 2015, and I had felt such an appreciation for the process; that in 2016 I not only continued the process myself finding even more awesomeness then the previous year, but I also created Awesome Jars for some friends and all of my clients. I do not think that the number of awesome events truly changed, but through the process and practice of appreciating the Awesome I began to see more Awesome.
Spreading the Awesome in 2016!!!
"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." Oprah Winfrey
Even though I had participated in more awesomeness the end of 2016 had been a little rough for me. Due to events that happened in November, I had unwittingly begun to shift my focus to negative and disturbing forecasts that not only affected me emotionally but physically as well. I started becoming consumed watching news reports on what may happen to our country and planet, and my vibrational frequency that was once high dropped to a low I had not felt in years. I was expending all this energy on what ifs, and in turn experiencing feelings attached to those what ifs even though they hadn’t happened yet. I became physically ill…I had not been sick in three years, and at the end of 2016 I was the sickest I had been in about a decade.
"The only thing that feeling bad accomplishes is to plummet you into anxiety, despair, depression, and stress. In such situations, ask yourself in that moment what THOUGHT you can have that will make you feel GOOD! "– Wayne Dyer
Something needed to change, and it had to start with me. I had been reading a lot about the power of positivity and gratitude and how they can actually raise your vibrational frequency.
I knew I needed to become more aware of the gifts that this life and world really are and I needed to ensure I found something every day that would enable me to stay high on positivity.
A review of 225 studies concluded that positive emotions promote and foster sociability and activity, altruism, strong bodies and immune systems, effective conflict resolution skills, success and thriving
Positive emotions are a reliable predictor of better health, even for those without food or shelter while negative emotions are a reliable predictor of worse health even when basic needs like food, shelter and safety are met
So for 2017 I started a Gratitude Jar, thus not just finding gratitude and appreciation every day but acknowledge it by writing it down. Some days it was hard to find, like my birthday which was the eve of inauguration day, or when my cat was sick and then the day I actually had to put her down, but even during those dark times I was able to find something to be grateful for. It was not easy, I still did get sick yet again (right after putting my cat down), and my frequency did dip low again, but being aware of this, I had to ask myself, “Can I do anything about what is upsetting me?”, if yes then do it, if not, then let it go. I made the effort to focus on the positive and in some cases create the positive. Without this process and effort I could have slipped to an even worse state of low vibrational frequency, creating more depression and possibly more sickness, but I was able to keep a high enough life buzz that these lows were only temporary. As I continue with my gratitude jar, I’m actually excited about it, thinking throughout the day what I get to put in the jar today.
My first 3 months of acknowledge gratitude
Life can be beautiful even during what seems to be dark times, we must not only find the light but also emit the light from within ourselves. I’ve stopped paying so much attention to all the negative energy that I can do nothing about, I’ve let go of the idea that I can personally change the world….(at least not at this moment). I’ve come to realize that the best I can do is try and live positively, be grateful, and encourage the same in those around me. Gratitude is Awesome.