Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose)

Utthita Trikonasana is one of the most energizing and empowering poses, and for me, is all about extension. When pranayama is incorporated the asana can be taken so much further.  Reach and release, take up space, open the heart but stand strong.


Removes stiffness and tension from the legs, hips and back, strengthens the upper legs, neck and ankles, opens the chest.


(All instructions are written with the right foot at the top of the mat)

Starting position

Starting position

  • Standing with the feet 3 ½ to 4ft apart, with the left foot at 90 degrees and the right heel in line with the arch of the left foot. Both legs are straight but the knees are not locked engage the muscles around the knee.
  • Hips and chest are open to the side, arms in T formation, shoulders back and down gaze over the right middle finger (fingers are energized and extending). 
Finish Position

Finish Position

  •  On inhale reach through right hand and crown of head letting the extension start at the bottom of the spine, on exhale fold forward keeping chest open to the side; do this several times inhaling and lengthening, exhaling and folding, until the right hand is either on the shin, ankle, foot, chair, floor or block (inside or outside of the foot).
  •  The left arm should be reaching up towards the sky and in line with the right arm. To avoid collapsing in the torso keep the right rib cage long and parallel with the left, if there is no tension in the neck move gaze to left thumb.
  • Back leg is active pushing through the outside heel, ideally the whole back of the body could line up against a wall. 
  •  To take this pose deeper, inhale the left arm over the pinky side down. (As shown in picture above)
  • To move out of the pose gaze at left thumb and inhale rise up as if the left arm is using a rope to pull you up while legs stay strong.

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